What is the Bag Lady Project?
I wanted to share with you a project I created 8 years ago with the help of clients, family and friends. I started sewing homemade Xmas stockings for Santa’s Workshop and using the donations that were given, I would fill them with age-appropriate treasures so kids in need would wake up to an amazing Xmas gift. As things progressed it was brought to my attention that there was a huge void for young people 13 – 16 years old at Santa’s workshop. So I shifted gears and started sewing purse-bags and filling them with make-up, hair products, gloves, scarves, leg-warmers….anything age appropriate.
Who receives the gifts?
This year, the project has grown to include shaving kits for young men as well as the purse-bags for young girls and stockings for the younger kids. With the help of friends and family donating money, I was able to deliver 150 units to Santa’s House….and it made the elves cry. This is a project I would like to see grow into other communities and I am going to make that happen through Voice of Choice.
How do you fund the project?
A percentage of every Voice of Choice gathering will go directly to fund the Bag Lady Project in whatever community the event is held. I will be creating bags to give out at the event so people can turn around and fill the bags themselves and deliver them at Xmas to either a Transition Home or Santa’s Workshop.
How can I help?
To date, we have sewn and delivered well over 500 amazing Xmas morning gifts to kids/families in need. A special thank-you goes to my mom for sewing 100’s of stockings and to Karissa Pukas for donating thousands of dollars worth of make-up. This wouldn’t be nearly as successful without their help!
I am always looking for help sewing and donating. If you can help, please send me a note. Thank you so much for reading this Blog Post.